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Happy Holidays from Sunflower of Peace!


Video transcript: Katya Malakhova (Sunflower of Peace Founder and Board President):

Dear volunteers, donors, and all supporters of Sunflower of Peace and Ukraine.

Katya Migacheva (Sunflower of Peace Executive Director):

This year, we leaned on you a lot to help bring life-saving aid to this beautiful war-torn country.

Vita Buchatska (Sunflower of Peace Secretary):

Together, we mobilized our energy, resources, skills, and talents to do an incredible amount of work.

Olga Yasinnik (Sunflower of Peace Treasurer):

We looked for ways to protect and improve the lives of all Ukrainians affected by the war that’s brutalized their homes.

Olga Zakharenko (Program Lead, Tactical Medicine):

We sent thousands of backpacks, filled with precious, carefully curated, life-saving medical supplies.

Yulia Kosheleva (Program Manager):

Now, medics all over Ukraine can save lives using the materials procured through your donations; packed by your hands.

Victoria Prince (Program Lead, Special Initiatives):

From warm clothes to armored ambulances, form generators to hospital-grade medical equipment – Ukrainians asked and we did our absolute best to answer.

Iryna Saks (Sunflower of Peace Volunteer):

We organized humanitarian drives

Maryna Bayda (Sunflower of Peace Program Lead, Community Relations):

Mobilized support in our communities

Marina Kolesnik: (Sunflower of Peace Volunteer):

We packed it

Grigorii Kvashnin (IT Support):

We shipped it

Maria (Sunflower of Peace Volunteer):

We Acted.

Ukrainian part (In Ukrainian) Iryna Malakhova (Sunflower of Peace, Ukraine, Executive Director):

And it mattered! Thank you, all Sunflower of Peace contributors, near and far. Your support saves lives and helps us stay strong to fight for the independence of our country!

Katya Malakhova:

Дякую – Thank you! Happy Holidays to everyone and a peaceful and glorious New Year to all!

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1 Comment

carol fellini
carol fellini
Jan 04, 2023

Please,please how can I help. I am a senior citizen in Massachusetts and am very strong and very willing to help with any programs to help our fellow citizens of the world. I have limited funds but will commit to giving a small amount each month but also want to really work with my hands and help pack,deliver or anything even cleaning warehouses anything just anything. I pray each and every day for your countrymen that they find peace and a stop of fighting God Bless each and every one of you Sincerely Carol Fellini

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